Il Diritto dell'Unione EuropeaEISSN 2465-2474 / ISSN 1125-8551
G. Giappichelli Editore
Fascicolo 2

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A Metacritique of the Court of Justice of the European Union

Starting from the distinction between internal and external critique author discusses what kind of critique of the CJEU is possible, and by whom, at all. Assuming that performance of the CJEU should be measured on its own merits and not exclusively or primarily according to external comparators, author suggests that the line of critique that builds on allegedly negative synergy of renewable ...
di Siniša Rodin, Giudice presso la Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea, Lussemburgo.

A First Critical Appraisal of the New European Insolvency Regulation

Regulation (EC) 1346/2000 on insolvency proceedings has been recasted by Regulation (EU) 2015/848 of 20 May 2015. The revision aims to bring the current Regulation up to date in relation to the process that EU commenced towards a new approach on insolvency and business failure, which stresses the role of rescue and restructuring as crucial means to give the debtor a second chance. All the ...
di Antonio Leandro, Associato di Diritto Internazionale, Università “Aldo Moro”di Bari

Della sopravvivenza delle tradizioni costituzionali comuni alla Carta di Nizza: ovvero del mancato avverarsi di una (cronaca di una) morte annunciata

Which is today, in the era of codification of fundamental rights in Europe, the role of common constitutional traditions? And, even more generally, is it still a meaningful concept or it risks to be meaningless to discuss, today, in the age of European bill(s) of rights, about the actual relevance of the common constitutional traditions? Those are the questions at the hearth of the paper. The ...
di Oreste Pollicino, Ordinario di Diritto Pubblico Comparato, Università commerciale“Luigi Bocconi” di Milano.

Profili giuridico-istituzionali della politica di sicurezza e difesa comune dell'Unione europea

The article surveys the legal-institutional features of the Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) of the European Union (EU). At the outset, after a brief overview of the developments of CSDP pre-(as from 1999) and post-Lisbon Treaty, the topic is investigated in the light of the general rules concerning subdivision of competences between the EU and its Member States. In this framework, the ...
di Alfredo Rizzo, Professore a contratto di Diritto dell’Unione europea, Universitàdella Calabria

'Stesso valore giuridico dei Trattati'? Rango, primato ed effetti diretti della Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell'Unione europea

Article 6 TEU affirms that the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights shall have the same legal value as the treaties. This work aims to investigate the real legal value of the Charter in the EU legal order. To this aim, it will be taken into account the value of the Charter , for the EU institutions, for the Member States and for the individuals. The picture so resulting allows to consider the ...
di Lucia Serena Rossi, Ordinario di Diritto dell’Unione europea, Università diBologna

Il Fondo europeo per gli investimenti strategici: statuto giuridico, profili istituzionali e funzionamento

The article analyses the European Fund for Strategic Investments, from an institutional and material perspective. It highlights its hybrid and sui generis nature, and it defines its legal status as an auxiliary body of the European Investment Bank. To this end, the article first sheds light on the functioning of the Fund and on the distribution of competences between its organs. Second, the ...
di Carlo Tovo, Assegnista di ricerca in Diritto dell’Unione europea, Universitàdi Bologna.

La responsabilità dello Stato per atti del potere giudiziario: dalla sentenza Köbler alla sentenza Ferreira da Silva e Brito

This essay analyzes the application of the general principle of State liability, as laid down in Francovich case-law, to the activity of national courts. Firstly, the author recalls that this development, which was envisaged in Köbler and was laid down in Traghetti del Mediterraneo and Ferreira Da Silva e Brito a) has taken place in respect of the activity of ...
di Paolo Mengozzi, Avvocato generale presso la Corte di giustizia dell’Unioneeuropea, Lussemburgo